Friday, August 13, 2010

Don't hate the player, hate the game

I come bearing a peace offering for deserting you the past 2 weeks. I went on vacation. I didn't even give you notice. Now my computer's broken and I'm on deadline at work. Blah blah blah. I'm sorry for ignoring you little baby cute little Glitterbabes of mine. Here is a picture of my awesome neon nails to try to make it up to you because I know you care. PS. That kind of reminds me of this post.

Here is my second peace offering:

I found this video as part of some research I'm doing for an AWESOME assignment at work. (No sarcasm, it's actually super awesome). Backstory: senior year of college was the year of the writers strike in Hollywood which meant a lot of shows didn't air and they were replaced by generally fantastic content. Content, like Tom Green Live. He broadcast a live talk show from his living room every night at midnight (I don't remember what channel).

I was sleep deprived for 3months because I couldn't possibly go to bed before 1am and miss a second of the best show on TV. It was perfection- guests entered by ringing his doorbell and he'd walk through the kitchen (camera following him) and go answer it, sometimes he would have his guests ride paddle boats in his tiny backyard pool. My favorite part were the skype interviews with random callers who asked random questions. Then there was this moment (above)when I decided I loved Tom Green more than I even thought possible. (PS- the end half is the best part). The show started as a web series and still is broadcast daily on the web. Check it out, you'll love it.

I'm sorry for ignoring you boo boo's. I won't do it again.

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