Improv Everywhere has been one of my favorite little discoveries since moving to the city. Ok, it's not really little and it definitely wasn't my discovery. But whatever, it is relatively new to my life and I think it is fantastic. From No Pants Subway Rides (video here) to pausing hundreds of people in Grand Central Station all at the same time (video here), the New York based group strives to "create scenes of chaos and joy in public places." Amazing right?
I haven't participated in any of the events yet (I did join my friend, Gil, and the rest of the pantsless participants of the end meeting spot of this years No Pants Subway ride-it was hysterical) but I hope I get to do one of these soon- they just bring smiles to peoples faces and make you say WHY NOT??
Check out this amazing video of an Improv Everywhere stunt (a random musical number in a grocery store...need I say more?)
lets squish our fruits together...I'm doing it now to my fruits!